Developing an Attitude of Gratitude and Other Happiness Practices

Gratitude has been scientifically proven to improve both physical and psychological health. While we all know to say “please” and “thank you,” practicing gratitude takes practice. With enough practice, one can alter their physical brain structures. These changes can enhance empathy and reduce aggression, improve sleep, self-esteem and mental strength.

In a stand-alone session, I will discuss the science behind the claims above. I will teach participants some of the most basic and easy-to-continue gratitude practices. We will begin together in the session, and I will give tips and tools, as well as recommend websites, podcasts and books.

In a five or six-week session, I will introduce two-three different practices each session. This assortment of practices will ensure that every participant will have several options that suit them best for continued life-long practice. Each session will also include participant and instructor feedback on experiences.